VIDEO: Find Your Hartford Happy Place


Hartford is, geographically, a small city that sits roughly in the center of what is a relatively small state. Despite that, it is pretty common to find that we don't know a whole lot about places and spaces that exist citywide. Personally, we thought it be better if we did know more about the space people love all around town. It’d be cool if everyone just shared a slice of where they find happiness with everyone else. So last summer, we partnered with the Greater Hartford Arts Council's "Art on the Streets" program, and we asked the people to draw us their happy place and then pin it to a map of the city. We will let the video do the work from here but we came away happy about the diversity of everyone else's happiness and we hope you will too. We ain't got a big city but there's a lot to check out so go try something new. 


Quick, but big, shouts: Sam Shield for putting together the video and photography. Collette Grimes for photography. Trey Moore for the track. Greater Hartford Arts Council for funding the project. All the people who stopped last summer on Pratt St. to share their slice of happiness.


blogsQ. Narcisse